Schindler's List Quotes

In German-occupied Poland during World War II, Oskar Schindler gradually becomes concerned for his Jewish workforce after witnessing their persecution by the Nazi Germans.

"Stern, if this factory ever produces a shell that can actually be fired, I'll be very unhappy.""You want these people? These people. My people. I want my people. Who are you? Moses?""How many cigarettes have you smoked tonight? Too many. For every one you smoke, I smoke half.""By law I have to tell you, sir, I'm a Jew. Well, I'm a German, so there we are.""I could try to read this, or I could eat my lunch while it's still hot. We're doing well? Yes. Better this month than last? Yes. Any reason to think next month will be worse? The war could end.""Look, all you have to do is tell me what it's worth to you. What's a person worth to you? No, no, no, No. What's one worth to you!""It will take more than that. S.S. Guard: I'm sure you're right.""Gentlemen, thank you very much. I think I can guarantee you- you'll both be in Southern Russia before the end of the month. Good day.""I pardon you.""The truth, Helen, is always the right answer.""I kissed a Jewish girl. Prisoner: Did your prick fall off?""So the man can turn out a hinge in less than a minute, why the long story?""Nobody knows who stole the chicken, hmm? S.S. Guard: Tell him about the chicken! A man walks around with a chicken and nobody notices this... S.S. Guard: Save yourselves, save yourself. Tell him about the chicken!""You shouldn't get stuck on names. That's right, it creates a lot of paperwork.""Cry, and I will have you arrested! I swear to God!""I'm Not Saying You'll Regret It, But You Might, You Should Be Aware Of That.""control is power""I could have got more.""Hey, hey, what are you doing?! These are my workers; they should be on my train!""The truth, Helen, is always the right answer.""Stern, if this factory ever produces a shell that can actually be fired, I'll be very unhappy.""The list is life.""How many cigarettes have you smoked? How many cigarettes have you smoked tonight? Too many, why? Too many. Because for every cigarette you smoke, I smoke the half. For every one you smoke, I smoke half.""The list is an absolute good. The list is life.""The truth, Helen, is always the right answer."