The Big Short Quotes

In 2006-7 a group of investors bet against the US mortgage market. In their research they discover how flawed and corrupt the market is.

"I have a feeling in a few years people are going to be doing what they always do when the economy tanks. They will be blaming immigrants and poor people.""If we're right, people lose homes. People lose jobs. People lose retirement savings, people lose pensions. You know what I hate about fucking banking? It reduces people to numbers. Here's a number - every 1% unemployment goes up, 40,000 people die, did you know that?""Tell me the difference between stupid and illegal and I'll have my wife's brother arrested.""Saints don't live on Park Avenue.""I'm jacked! I'm jacked to the tits!""People hate to think about bad things happening so they always underestimate their likelihood.""Is this America's angriest hedge fund?""What am I supposed to do? Write a piece called "We're all fucked"? Yes! That's a perfect title!""Let me put it this way: I'm standing in front of a burning house, and I'm offering you fire insurance on it.""It's like someone hit a pinata full of white people who suck at golf.""So mortgage bonds are dog shit. CDOs are dog shit wrapped in cat shit.""Are you being sarcastic with us, Mike? Lawrence, I don't know how to be sarcastic.""Lawrence, I found something really interesting. Great, Michael. Whenever you find something interesting, we all tend to make money. What stock are you valuing? No stocks. I want to short the housing market.""But wait, you *are* the bank, I mean, you work for the bank. I bet your margins are pretty nice and fat. Let's not talk about my margins by the way. Being nice and fat... That's a nice shirt, do they make it for men?""I love my job.""Now their foot's on fire and they think their steak is done, and you're surprised? That's not stupidity, that's fraud. Tell me the difference between stupid and illegal, and I'll have my wife's brother arrested.""Who are you a drug-dealer or a banker? Cause if you're a banker you can fuck right off!""No no no!""Thanks for coming guys, totally fucking awesome to see you. Yeah. Casey, I've always hated you because you were a prick in college and you are a prick today! Thanks Charlie! Still living with your mom?""I have a feeling, in a few years people are going to be doing what they always do when the economy tanks. They will be blaming immigrants and poor people."""It's like someone hit a piƱata full of white people who suck at golf.""